Natural Talents: A Guide to Discover Your Purpose

I. Confession

My natural talents have been with me from the beginning. Despite their repeated appearances in my life, I failed to see them for 43 years.

A friend said, “It is difficult to read the label from the inside.” Indeed. It was after I sought outside guidance, and reflected on what I heard, that I began to see how my natural talents appeared throughout my life. Further reflection deepened my understanding of my natural talents, and guided me toward discovering my purpose.

Here, I humbly share what I learned about natural talents, so you may recognize their appearance in your life and move closer to discovering your purpose.

II. Change and Choice

In “A Move Toward Purpose,” I share some questions that misled my search for purpose (ie. What is your passion? What are you curious about?). What I learned is that passions, curiosities, desires, energy, dreams, and even values, change with time.

Natural talents are distinct.

Natural talents are timeless and innate. With you across time, regardless of circumstance. Natural talents are how you show up in the world, naturally and effortlessly. Even, predictably.

Natural talents are particularly distinct because you lack choice.

They are divinely bestowed upon you. Unalienable gifts. You are unable to abandon, replace, or remove them.

Akin to your fingerprint, your natural talents are your unmistakable markers. The unforgettable impression you create in people and things that come in contact with you. As such, they reveal who you uniquely are and are meant to be.

III. Blind and Hidden

Because we express our natural talents effortlessly, we may be blind to them. And, even when we sense our natural talents, we may diminish or dismiss them. Perhaps, because we are falsely conditioned to believe that if what we do is effortless or easy, then it is worthless.

Further, we may hide our natural talents in an effort to “fit in” or achieve “success.” Our environments may reject, ridicule or retaliate at glimpses of our natural talents, leading us to conceal their existence.

IV. Glimpses of Natural Talents

Because we may be blind to our natural talents, when they surface, others may perceive them more acutely than us. To illustrate, humbly allow me to share a few statements I heard throughout my life and the natural talent they alluded to:

  • “You ask too many questions.” (curiosity)

  • “You are too quiet.” (contemplation)

  • “You should work for an ad agency.” (creativity)

  • “You are able to look at a situation 360 degrees.” (perspective)

  • “You are a great listener.” (attention)

  • “You connect easily with others.” (relational)

  • “You connect things for me.” (perception)

  • “You are effortlessly positive.” (positivity)

When I heard these statements, I likely dismissed them for a variety of reasons. Perhaps, because the behaviors felt effortless. Perhaps, because I heard them spread across time. Or perhaps, because the statement was intended to suppress what felt like a natural talent.

It’s important to note that others may react unfavorably to glimpses of your natural talents (ie. “You ask too many questions”). They may under-appreciate or unwelcome your natural talents.

Welcome their reaction as your divine blessing. Their reaction illuminates what you were unable to see, and serves as a guide to the people and places that will treasure you.

V. Qualities of Natural Talents

To help you begin to recognize your natural talents, here are their seven distinct qualities:

  • Irresistible - Your natural talents are who and what you are, regardless of circumstance. Behaviors that pour out of you. In other words, you are unable to resist being this way.

  • Unteachable, Unlearnable, and Unexplainable - How you do what you do is untransferable.

  • Unique Impression - How you express your natural talents, and how you combine them, creates a unique impression. Like your fingerprint, it is original, unable to be duplicated.

  • Effortless - Expressing your natural talents is effortless. You would succeed at it, even if you didn’t try. In other words, if you were lazy, you would still be good at it. Further, your natural talents are available and accessible at will. You can easily combine and move between them.

  • Timeless - Your natural talents have always been a part of you. Your qualities that shine across time. Evidence of their expression is abundant in your life. Your natural talents are permanent, irreplaceable, and undiminished with time.

  • Energy - When you express your natural talents, it gives you energy, and at the same time, gives others energy. Think, flywheel.

  • Others see it in you - Whether a stranger or close family member. A lifelong friend or colleague at work. A former partner or spouse. Whether on vacation, at work or at home. Perhaps the most distinct quality of your natural talents is that others see it in you. Because it's how you show up in the world, across time, regardless of circumstance.

VI. Notes on Natural Talents

First, to recognize your natural talents demands preparation. You will be better able to recognize your natural talents when you are willing to be: (i) vulnerable (ask for outside guidance); (ii) patient (rushing discovery, you risk returning to the same place); (iii) introspective (practice deep reflection); and (iv) more keenly aware (to perceive when your natural talents appear, and others’ reactions).

Second, while your natural talents are innate, they can be further developed. When you develop your natural talents, you bloom. Put another way, your natural talents are qualities you enjoy refining.

Third, expressing your natural talents feels fun and fearless. When you express your natural talents, they draw you in completely. It may feel like time and your surroundings become still, as you are fully immersed in what you are doing. You could do it endlessly.

Fourth, it’s possible that your purpose may change with time. Your natural talents could serve as your guide as you transition from purpose to purpose.

Finally, a personal note. My beautiful parents infused me with the fundamental belief that “I could be anything I wanted to be.” I, unwisely, lived that belief to an extreme. What I failed to see earlier is that each of us seems divinely designed to be exceptional at a small handful of things. Our natural talents guide us toward those small handful of things, and in the process, reveal who we are meant to be.


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