Small Acts of Fearlessness

How deep does fear permeate
my moment-to-moment micro decisions?


The innumerable, inconsequential daily decisions, with zero to little risk. 1

For example, “Should I have another coffee?” “Could I skip the gym today?” “What if I shared this first draft with a friend?”

How often does fear decide for me?


Pervasive fears that may decide for us:

  • Fear of Failure: living up to our standards, others’ expectations.

  • Fear of Pain: physical (exertion, illness), emotional (rejection, loss).

  • Fear of Poverty: unfree, dependent.

  • Fear of Time: meaninglessness, unfulfilled.


We may be conditioned to believe that “living fearlessly” is defined by big, audacious decisions.

Humbly, it may demand as much self-awareness, courage, and faith to be fearless each moment of each day.

To be acutely aware how deeply rooted and far reaching fear is in our mind. To clearly perceive how the fears above stealthily direct each of our micro-decisions. And, with a quiet fearlessness, a gentle boldness, choose to move in the opposite direction each time.

Each choice as a small act of fearlessness, moving us one degree further from fear. And, each degree compounding with time, altering our trajectory and ultimate destination.


Here, a daily practice to begin living fearlessly:

  • Pause: before following that train of thought, making a decision, and acting.

  • Self-inquiry: how is my thinking, decision, or what I am about to do influenced by fear?

  • Choose Fearlessly: what if, instead, I choose to move intuitively with faith?

1. See Fear and Risk and Fear and Risk II.


Welcome Darkness


Moving Intuitively