Why I Coach

I. Confession

Initially, I was uncertain about sharing this post.

Concerned my reasons may sound unreal or woo-woo to you (ie. references to God), my intention misconstrued (ie. salesy), or worse, that learning how I feel about coaching may discourage you from discovering your purpose (ie. How could I feel like that about “work”?).

Ultimately, I recognized my concerns are subservient to my calling: to serve you.

In particular, because coachee-coach “fit” is important when selecting a coach, my intention is to share with you the foundational reasons why I coach, so you may better discern whether we would be a good fit.

With profound humility, I share with you why I coach.

II. Calling and Purpose

In How I Arrived at Coaching I share the life-altering incidents, individuals, and insights that led me to coaching.

I also share how profoundly I feel the Divine call to serve.

Specifically, to serve others through:

  • Who I am (my natural talents);

  • What I do (coaching is my craft); and

  • How I live (being the change).

Who I am, what I do, and how I live are indistinguishable from my purpose:

To use my Divinely bestowed natural talents to serve others,
by passing forward my experience for their benefit.

My calling and purpose are fulfilled when I use the entirety of my existence to help others discover their purpose and become who they are meant to be.

III. Our Flywheel

The connection between my purpose and your becoming can be illustrated with a flywheel.

Our flywheel is a continuous flow of energy between us. When I dedicate my natural talents to your becoming, it energizes me. In turn, as you move closer to discovering your purpose and becoming who you are meant to be, it energizes you.

In this way, our work is symbiotic. A simultaneous giving and receiving of energy.

IV. Your Becoming

Our flywheel illustrates how my purpose and your becoming are connected.

We may go one step further and describe your becoming this way:

The intention of our work together is to uncover your natural talents, so they may guide us toward your purpose, and move you closer to becoming who you are meant be.

If through our work together we are blessed to arrive at that place, then we may both experience fulfillment.


The Gift of Less


The Limits of Our Language