Peaceful Decisions

I. Orientation

Intuition: truth

Faith: trust

Desire: fleeting

Fear: imagined

II. Ask

  • Is this decision based on fear, or faith?

  • Is this decision based on desire, or intuition?

III. Observations

First, timing may be the most challenging part of decision-making. Your intuition serves as your clock (when), and compass (direction).

Second, your intuition offers what you need, rather than what you want. Your resistance to follow your intuition, is your signal to follow your intuition.

Third, when you consistently practice following your intuition, decisions become effortless. They begin making themselves. Fear, desire, and resistance yield to faith.

Fourth, when you consistently practice making decisions intuitively with faith, “reason” reveals itself as the rationalization of desires.

See Intuition and Reason; See also Fear and Risk.


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