On Speed
One day you will have reached your destination.
On that day, you will be shocked how quickly it happened.
On that day, you will be unable to recall the majority of your journey - the moments, circumstances, encounters, conversations, decisions, and so much more of your experience.
It will be swift, and forgotten - too much time, too much to recall.
If you want to live a life you will remember, one you will admire in your final moments, then slow down.
Slow down, that you may lose yourself in each moment.
Feel, and record in your mind and body, the scent of the moment, the sensation on your skin, the sound around you, what moving in the Earth feels like.
This recorded moment may be the only thing you have at the end.
Make each moment a profound memory for yourself.
Slow down, for your future self.
And perhaps, with God’s grace, you may remember your journey, as you disappear from memory.