Fear and Risk II

I. Fear As A Virus

Fear is contagious, and unable to live without a host.

When we transmit fear, we are unable to “take it back” from the transferee.

And once transmitted, fear may grow and invade other dimensions of the transferee’s life.

II. Fear Across Generations

Once we transmit fear, the transferee may infect others unintentionally.

For example, a father afraid of spiders may pass his fear to family members. Unchallenged, the father’s fearful imagination may become his grandchildren’s reality.

III. Fear Up, Risk Up

When we approach something fearfully, we increase the risk of what we are afraid may happen.

Put another way, our fear becomes self-fulfilling.

The anecdote is to approach with faith, rather than fear.

IV. Choices With Fear

While fear is internal, it can be caused by external stimuli (ie. bear in the woods).

However, we choose:

  • How intensely we feel fear; and

  • Whether we transmit our fear to others.

V. Discerning Between Fear and Risk

We can avoid becoming overwhelmed by fear and transmitting it to others by discerning between fear and risk.

When we understand our fear is typically more intense and elevated than the external risk, we can regulate our emotions.

By regulating our emotions, we reduce fear, and become more calm and confident.

And as a byproduct, we are less likely to transmit our fear to others.


How to Live


Fear and Risk