An Author, an Investor, and a Bamboo Tree


“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”
- Edward Abbey, author

“So here's my little theory about company value creation. The faster you build it, that is the half-life. It will get destroyed in the same amount of time.”
- Chamath Palihapitiya, investor

“Once, there was a man who felt discouraged. So, he went to speak with his mentor.
The mentor asked the man, ‘Do you know how long it takes for the giant bamboo to grow as tall as a building?’
The man said, ‘No. How long does it take?’
The mentor continued, ‘During the first year, the tiny plant is watered and fertilized, and nothing happens.
It is watered and fertilized for another whole year. And another. And another. And still, nothing happens.
Then, on the fifth year, it grows ninety feet in six weeks.
So, how long does it take for it to grow so high?’
The man answered, ‘Six weeks.’
The mentor said, ‘Five years.’”
- The Chinese Bamboo Tree


Growth and speed for their own sake are self-destructive. Like a virus, incessant, impatient, invading, destroying the host, and itself.

May the lesson be discernment?

That we may acutely perceive whether the time is ripe to grow, what to grow, the suitable environment for growth, and how to sustainably grow.




A Priest, a Musician, and a Physicist